Tuesday, February 15, 2011

feeding me information

Well, I set up the RSS feeds for my iGoogle page and Google Reader. I can really see the benefit of them, particularly if you are trying to follow a number of different websites and blogs. That has always been one of my struggles, keeping track of everything. From a library perspective, I can see RSS feeds as a great way to ensure that you are up to date with innovations and news within your particular subject or discipline area. We can really impress the students and faculty by being totally on the ball! Many of the branch websites already feed information from other sources onto their homepages, making them even more useful and relevant to the people using the sites.

"If we all did the things we are capable
of doing, we would literally
astound ourselves."
- Thomas Edison

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Had fun creating my iGoogle account last week. Not sure how much I will use it, but I have set it as my homepage on my home computer -- so we'll see. The widget options are amazing! As a quotes kind-of girl, I really like those widgets, and the art of the day (and comics, optical illusions, news, and....).

So, my quote for the day today is:
"Success is not to be pursued;
it is to be attracted by
the person we become."
- Jim Rohn